Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The link is up

 This link has the same information I put on the last post, as well as a printable version of the audition form. Hope to see some of you there.


Saturday, May 10, 2014

King and I Information

This summer the Heritage Theatre will be producing 'The King and I' a Rodgers & Hammerstein classic. I have been asked to direct it and I am very excited. There are parts for teenagers, although none of them are leads. There are two potential featured parts for boys. 

I will also be posting a link the Heritage Theatre website when they get up this information. 

The Auditions will be Tuesday May 20 & Thursday May 22 from 6-8:30, with potential callbacks on Saturday May 24.

It is encouraged for those in this age range to audition on Tuesday, because that is when our choreographer will be there to teach a dance to all boys and girls ages 12-18.

I will not take everyone who tries out. It is nothing personal to each student who participated in Aladdin. There just aren't enough parts for all of the kids from Aladdin, nor is there space on the Heritage stage. 

Those of you coming to auditions should come in clothes that you are able to dance in.

As other information about auditions at other local shows comes in I will post it here on the blog.

Below is a cast list description that should appear on the Heritage Theatre website tonight.

Cast List
Anna Leonowens- 28-45, (Mezzo), New schoolteacher at the King’s palace
King- 35-50, (Baritone), Monarch of the Siamese Empire
Tuptim- 15-24, (Soprano), Servant given to the King
Lun Tha- 17-25, (Tenor), Secret lover of Tuptim
Lady Thiang- 30-45, (Soprano), Head wife of the King
Lous Leonowens- 8-14, (Tenor), Anna’s son
Prince Chulalongkorn- 10-16, (Tenor), The King’s oldest son
The Kralahome- 20-50, (Speaking), Strong minded Advisor to the King
The Interpreter/Phra Alak- (16-30), Speaking, Humble servant
Captain Orton- 35-60, (Speaking), Captain of the ship (May be double casted as Sir Edward Ramsey)
Sir Edward Ramsey- 30-45, (Speaking), British diplomat (May be double casted as Captain Orton)
Royal Children (11)- 4-14, The King’s children
Royal Wives (6)- 30-50, The King’s Wives
Royal Dancers (12)- 11-15, Can be either girl or boy dancers
Royal Singers (6)- 12-18, Girls
Palace Guards/Dock Workers (6)- 12-18, Boys


Everyone should prepare 16 measures of a ballad from a musical. Accompaniment will be provided. Those auditioning for a speaking part should be prepared to have a cold read of the script for their audition. 

All boys and girls 11-15 should audition on Tuesday, because that is when we are doing the dance auditions. 

We will be doing auditions in groups. So families can audition together, as well as groups of friends. If you are auditioning alone we will put you in a small group.

Callbacks will be by invitation for Saturday morning. 

The rehearsal period will last the entire summer. 

We understand that there will be vacations and camps; we will be as understanding as possible. If you will miss several weeks of rehearsal that will play a factor in casting the show, so please, put all known unavailable dates on the audition form.

Rehearsals for the dancers, singers, guards, wives and children will be kept as minimal as possible. We will be rehearsing in blocks. This means the first week of rehearsal we will work the first 3 or 4 scenes. All the music, dance and blocking will be done throughout the week culminating in a run through on Saturday of the week’s work. This may mean that on a certain week many characters have no rehearsal, and on other weeks they may have it Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday.

We ask that August be kept as open as possible. The last 2-3 weeks is when we will be putting the whole show together. 

Typically rehearsals will go 6-9 Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and 9-12 on Saturdays. The last 2 weeks we will be going every day.

The show will run from August 22- Sept 13. There will be performances during the county fair, Labor Day weekend and Peach Days.