There are still openings at the Fine Arts Center for their summer theatre camps. They will be taught by Ashley Pyle who co-directed Charrlotte's Web and choreographed Annie Jr. She is fantastic!
Jr. Session- June 22-26 Age 6-10 $25 9am-10am
Teen Session 1- June 22-26 Age 11 and up $55 10am-2pm
Teens Session 2- July 20-23 Age 11 and up $55 9am-2pm
If you want more info or find out how to sign up check their website
This is a great opportunity to get involved. All 4 shows that Creative Stage, the theatre company within the Fine Arts Center, is doing next year have teen roles and this may serve as a springboard to getting involved with them.
The four shows are:
A Little Murder Never Hurt Anyone (October)
The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe (December)
The Beverly Hillbillies (February) Co-directed by Ashley Pyle, the summer camp instructor
The Wizard of Oz Jr. (May)
I hope that many of you have an opportunity to get involved.