Saturday, April 27, 2013

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you

That is all I can say. This whole process has been incredible. I have learned so much from your kids and learning how to work with this age group. There are dozens of people who worked so hard on this project and 25 parents filled out the survey and all of them said that they would allow their child to do a another show. That validates my desires to do so.
I returned home from my LDS mission in November and went in and spoke with Mrs. Day about doing a show at ACYI. I was kind of nervous to ask because I didn't want to get shot down. I had been thinking about doing an ACYI from 2010 when I helped out with Happy Days. She told me "The worst ACYI can say is no." It had been 2 years since a show was done there and there was a 2 year drought before that. So I went in and Principal Chournos said "Yeah, sure, what do you want to do?" And was most helpful in doing so. Not having a Drama Teacher at ACYI was one of the biggest things that impeded shows before. So a show was decided and look now it's over. What started out as a simple thought to do a show turned into an amazing experience that I am so glad to have participated in.
There will be a cast party in the High School Drama room Wednesday, May 8th at 3:30. Kids can bring treats and pillows or bean bags, whatever they want. We will be watching a slide show of pictures from the show and then watching the recording of the show. It will be done by 4:40. (The recording of Saturday Night's show was 53 minutes).
Once again thank you for all your hard work and this blog will be the same one for next year. The tentative show date for next year is mid-March with auditions happening in January, right after Winter Break. See you around.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

We have a SHOW!!!

I would first like to apologize that today's rehearsal ran longer than normal, but the kids needed it. They felt so much more confident about show after running it twice. Your kids are a amazing! Tomorrow they will be performing for ACYI during school, at 1pm. If you as a parent are unable to attend either performance and want to see your child perform, just email me and we will reserve a chair for you, this is for those parent's who have to work evenings or weekends. You child will need to be at the High School at 6pm Friday evening as well as Saturday evening. They need to have all their costume items for all 3 performances.
We would like to discourage you from recording the show, we are planning to film all three performances and if you would like we would burn a copy of the best one for you. We just don't want to obstruct the view of many others and we have a camera location where we can film the whole stage and zoom in anywhere on stage. So dad's, don't worry about going and searching for the camcorder cables and your arms can rest easy, just sit back and enjoy the show.
The last week of rehearsals I like to call 'Miracle Week', last Thursday I remember leaving rehearsal thinking "What did I get myself into?" today as I was walking down the aisles to talk to the kids, I felt such joy and satisfaction. They have come a long way, it truly has been a miracle, thank you for allowing them on this little adventure.

Dress Rehearsal Tuesday

Thank You So Much

I would just like to thank all the moms who have helped with ticket sales and the snack attack. The kids have appreciated the snacks. As have we, for some reason before everyone would trickle in around 3:20ish for rehearsal, now that there are treats most everyone is here at 3:15. This means we can start rehearsal on time. Just a heads up there is no rehearsal afterschool Friday. They will walk back after the show to ACYI. They will be released Friday after 4th hour or Lunch, depending on their schedule that day. They will walk over with the student directors to the High School. For those of you who bought tickets remember the Blue is Friday and the Yellow is Saturday. On the Yellow tickets it list the 26th as the date when it should say the 27th. So don't go by the date go by the color and day on your ticket. Tomorrow is the last rehearsal, and most likely we will be going over a little bit just to polish up some things. They have come so far this past week. From last Thursday to this past Wednesday, the show has changed so much. Remember that they need their Schoolhouse Rock Shirt at tomorrow's rehearsal and that is what they wear to school on Friday. They need to have all their costumes for each performance, if they don't have all their things they will not be performing. Most of the kids don't have very many things to remember, this is also why I gave them a list of all the things they need so that you the parents can check with them before each rehearsal and performance. It has been so rewarding watching some kids come out of their shells and have a great time. It has been so much fun to see the progress, I hope that you realize how far your own child has come. It's not easy being in this age group and performing in a musical. I would know, I was one not to long ago. Thank you for raising such great kids. From all of us working on Schoolhouse Rock, thank you, thank you for allowing us to work with your children. Can't wait until you can see all the hard work they have done. It has been a worthwhile endeavor.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Rehearsal Schedule April 22-27

Here is the rehearsal schedule for this week.

Monday- Dress Rehearsal 3:15-5:15

Tuesday- Dress Rehearsal 3:15-5:15

Wednesday- Dress/Tech Rehearsal 3:15-5:15

Thursday- Final Dress/Tech Rehearsal 3:15-5:15

Friday- Performance for ACYI at 1pm. (They will be excused early from school and walk to the High School with the Student Directors)

Evening Performance at 7pm. Everyone needs to be there at 6pm to warm-up and get ready for the show. Doors will open at 6:30 for the parents to sit in their seats.

Saturday- Evening Performance at 7pm. Everyone needs to be there at 6pm to warm-up and get ready for the show. Doors will open at 6:30 for the parents to sit in their seats.

Make sure your child brings their costume pieces, if you do not have a certain item come tell us and we will go search for one. Also make sure they review their entrance & exit papers so that they know where they come in and where they exit. Can't wait to see them tomorrow!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Sign ups for Snacks during the week

For those of you who are willing to bring snacks for the kids this week, just comment on this post or email me at Post what you will be bringing and what day.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Homeroom Kids

Hopefully the News Journal received this in time to put in the newspaper this week.

Snack Attacks for the Schoolhouse Rockers

For those of you who didn't get a note from your children, one of them was about how we would like snacks for the kids for rehearsal this week. If about 4 mothers each day would be bring a snack for about 24 kids. You can just comment on this post with what you will be bring on a certain day that would help everyone know. Look and see what other moms are bringing, such as; cookies, fruit snacks, carrots, etc. Just try and coordinate with the other moms. Also tickets will be on sale starting Monday. Tickets are $3 and if you want to write a check make this payable to BEHS. They will on sale starting at 5pm. Your children's rehearsals will go until 5:15. Thanks again.

Talk with you kids

Each child should be coming home with 2 slips of papers-
  • Costume Checklist
  • Snack invitation
These will clear up any questions you might have concerning these issues. Tickets will go on sale on Monday at 5pm. Here is how it will work; each seat is $3, it is assigned seating, and it is a first come, first served basis. There will be separate tables for each night. We encourage you, if you are going both nights, to sit a different seat, not only to get a different view but to allow everyone to have the opportunities to sit in  the "best seats".
Next weeks' rehearsals will go longer than before. They will go until 5:15, and EVERYONE is expected to stay they entire time. If your child misses one rehearsal they will but not allowed to be in the show, if they leave early the same will happen. We have to have everyone there these next few days. In the parent permission slip you all signed you agreed that these were the mandatory dates for everyone. Now if your child is legitimately sick, such as the flu, don't bring them, for sake of the rest of the cast don't bring them. Because if they come then others will get sick. Make sure your child is practicing their dancing and singing and lines where necessary. We have almost made it. This is when the pressure and stress kicks in, not only for us the staff but with the kids. For most of them this is their first show. The biggest tip you can give your child is positive feedback. There are many butting stars in this cast, all they need is confidence. If there are any questions or concerns feel free to email Mr. Erwin at

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Song List

3 is a Magic Number
Unpack your Adjectives
Just a Bill
The Preamble
Do the Circulation
Conjunction Junction
Great American Melting Pot
Elbow Room
Interplanet Janet

Monday, April 15, 2013


Everyone needs-
           Dark jeans, no jeggins or tights
           Cowboy Hat, if you have one

Girls need-
          Black shirt

Dancers and Girls in GAMP-
          White Shirt

These are to be brought to rehearsal on Monday the 22nd. These are to be found or gathered not bought. Your child now has their cast t-shirt, these are to not be worn or washed, I am not sure if they shrink or not. If there are any other questions please email me at

Friday, April 12, 2013

Calendar for April 15-19

Wow your kids are so great! We open in 2 weeks, and because of that we are asking that rehearsals next week go until 4:45. If there are any problems we ask that you do your very best to rearrange your child's schedule so that they can be apart of the show.

Monday- Elbow Room 3:15- 3:50
                Interjections 3:50- 4:20
                GAMP 4:20-4:40

Tuesday- Preamble 3:15-4:00
                Interplanet Janet 4:00-4:15
                Unpack your Adjectives 4:15-4:40
                Kevin 4:00- 4:15
                Chris 4:15-4:30

Wednesday- First Half of the Show-Everybody 3:15-4:45 (BEHS Auditorium)

Thursday Second Half of the Show- Everybody 3:15-4:45 (BEHS Auditorium)

Friday- Sing through of the Show- Everybody 3:15-4:45 (BEHS Choir Room)

 Next week April 22-25 rehearsal will be until 5:15. Every person is expected to stay until 5:15 every day that week. Friday the 26th they will be performing for their peers at ACYI during the school time. That Friday there will be no rehearsal afterschool; there will however be an evening performance at 7pm and another on Saturday the 27th, at 7pm as well. We invite you to come and see all the hard work that your kids have put into this show. There will be assigned seating so tickets will go on sale, Monday, April 22. Tickets are $3 per seat. Tickets will be sold all week at 5pm April 22-25. So when you come to pick up your child from rehearsal that week you can come by and buy tickets. You will also be able to buy them at the door the night of performance. On Monday we will be sending home a list of what each person will need for different songs such as, a flashlight , cowboy hat or bowl, etc. These are meant to be 'found' or 'gathered' not bought. If you don't have something you can ask a neighbor or someone, and if in the end you can't find it, come and tell us and we will do our best. It has so great working with all of your kids. When I (Ryan Erwin, Director) was in 6th grade we did Robin Hood and I was one of the Merry Men. The director was Scott Nelson and he said something that has always stuck. He said "Now I want everyone to go home and thank your parents, thank them for sacrificing you in the name of theatre." I know the next two weeks we will be going longer than before but it's so that they have a great time, make memories and put on a good show.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Crazy Weather

Well, guess the groundhog lied. I am posting this because of the snow; we will still be having rehearsal. We are just requesting for the sake of your child to ensure that he/she is picked up and taken to the High School. A carpool would be the best method, so call each other to make sure every child is accounted for. The two reasons are safety and sickness. We want your child to be safe while getting to the High School and we don't want them getting sick during these final rehearsals. I know you mothers already have a million things to do so we would be really grateful, as will your child, if you can arrange a ride for them. Thank you.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Calendar April 8-12

Well we hope you all had a great spring break. Here is the calendar for this week-

Monday- Conjunction Junction 3:15-3:45
                Nouns 3:50-4:20

Tuesday- Homeroom Kids 3:15-4:20 (Auditorium)
                Dancers 3:15-4:20 (Drama Room)

Wednesday- Elbow Room 3:15-4:05
                     GAMP 4:05-4:25

Thursday- June, Janet & the Dancers 3:15-4:20 (Drama Room)
                  Unpack your Adjectives 3:15-3:55 (Auditorium)

Friday- Review Conjunction Junction, Circulation, Elbow Room, Nouns 3:15-4:00
             Three is a Magic Number 4:00-4:20

You guys are awesome and what you have learned you have done it really well. Can't wait to see more stuff come together this week. Double check the schedule there are different things going on each day. The shirts have been ordered and should be here in 2 weeks so please don't ask when they are coming in, we don't know until they call us to pick them up. See you tomorrow.