Friday, April 12, 2013

Calendar for April 15-19

Wow your kids are so great! We open in 2 weeks, and because of that we are asking that rehearsals next week go until 4:45. If there are any problems we ask that you do your very best to rearrange your child's schedule so that they can be apart of the show.

Monday- Elbow Room 3:15- 3:50
                Interjections 3:50- 4:20
                GAMP 4:20-4:40

Tuesday- Preamble 3:15-4:00
                Interplanet Janet 4:00-4:15
                Unpack your Adjectives 4:15-4:40
                Kevin 4:00- 4:15
                Chris 4:15-4:30

Wednesday- First Half of the Show-Everybody 3:15-4:45 (BEHS Auditorium)

Thursday Second Half of the Show- Everybody 3:15-4:45 (BEHS Auditorium)

Friday- Sing through of the Show- Everybody 3:15-4:45 (BEHS Choir Room)

 Next week April 22-25 rehearsal will be until 5:15. Every person is expected to stay until 5:15 every day that week. Friday the 26th they will be performing for their peers at ACYI during the school time. That Friday there will be no rehearsal afterschool; there will however be an evening performance at 7pm and another on Saturday the 27th, at 7pm as well. We invite you to come and see all the hard work that your kids have put into this show. There will be assigned seating so tickets will go on sale, Monday, April 22. Tickets are $3 per seat. Tickets will be sold all week at 5pm April 22-25. So when you come to pick up your child from rehearsal that week you can come by and buy tickets. You will also be able to buy them at the door the night of performance. On Monday we will be sending home a list of what each person will need for different songs such as, a flashlight , cowboy hat or bowl, etc. These are meant to be 'found' or 'gathered' not bought. If you don't have something you can ask a neighbor or someone, and if in the end you can't find it, come and tell us and we will do our best. It has so great working with all of your kids. When I (Ryan Erwin, Director) was in 6th grade we did Robin Hood and I was one of the Merry Men. The director was Scott Nelson and he said something that has always stuck. He said "Now I want everyone to go home and thank your parents, thank them for sacrificing you in the name of theatre." I know the next two weeks we will be going longer than before but it's so that they have a great time, make memories and put on a good show.

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