Friday, December 19, 2014

Cast List

Thank you all for trying out. We had so many talented kids come out. Unfortunately we were unable to cast everyone. So congratulations to those cast and to those that weren't we weren't able to cast we hope you try out for the next school play.

Rehearsals will begin the first day back in January, it will be right after school here in the commons, ALL CAST MEMBERS MUST ATTEND! The parent meeting will either be the Wednesday or Thursday back. Keep checking the blog over break for more info.

Seussical Jr.

Cat in the Hat: Lance Smith

Jojo: Calvin Crane

Horton the Elephant: Spencer Huff

Gertrude McFuzz: Brooke Dewberry

Mayzie La Bird: Allie White

Sour Kangaroo: Savannah Walker

Mr. Mayor Who: Jeremy Shipp

Mrs. Mayor Who: Sarah Peck

Wickersham Brothers: Tyler Bingham, Andrew Grunander & Chris Hastings

Bird Girls: Esther Dutson, Annalyse Erickson, Kylee Kilpack, Reagan Richman, Bethany Wallentine & Sydnie Zundel

Whos: Emily Benson, Emily Bingham, Rachel Bishop, Liberty Biskey, Tyler Bott*, Ashlyn Braithwaite*, Abby Burgan, Emily Burgan, Ashtyn Craynor, Braxton Erickson, Kadee Ericson, Gabriel Fischer, Sydnee Forsgren, Olivia Griesbach, Abby Haws*, Colby Jensen*, Alex Jeppesen, Heather Karren*, Daiyan Ke, Sam Loosli, Anni Molgard, Olivia Moyle, Allie Reeder, Carter Rose*, Amalia Sepulveda*, Brooklyn Smith, Jarrett Stander, Ben Thurgood* & Kaylee Whipple

Jungle Animals: Tegan Barber, Janessa Barlow, Bekah Bennett*, Cole Billings*, Addison Bingham, Saige Bischoff*, Aleda Boyce*, Allison Bullard, Logan Braegger*, Rachel Butts, Angela Camacho, Kaleigh Curtis, Janessa Daines*, Alliejo Dalebout, Hannah Dooley, Emmy Edgington, Sarah Faerber*, Ethan Gomm*, Sami Griesbach, Cooper Hartman*, Megan Haynie, Jisela Hernandez, Leia Issacson, Kailee Kirby, Jaron Lerohl, Breanne McClellan, Laynee Millburn, Haley Morgan, Kylie Nelson, Chelsea Pett, Breanna Porlas, Maren Powell*, Molly Robb*, Halle Robinson, Ian Reeder*, Dylan Smith*, Joshua Sorensen*, Quincy Southwick, Logan Stuart*, Tanner Swapp, Annie Walker, Dustie Warr, Taya Watson* & Anthony Yazzie

Fish/Circus Performers: Sage Francis, Loahnna Funk, Tyson Lemke, Amber Kaminsky, Bridger Lindauer & Jesse Thompson

*- Member of the Core Ensemble featured in several numbers.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Callbacks for Thursday

Meet in the commons after school. Most will be excused around 4. A group of 20 or so will be asked to stay until 5. We will be singing the audition song again.

2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 15, 16, 17, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 32, 33, 34, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 47, 49, 55, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 68, 72, 73, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 99, 100, 101, 110, 112, 113, 114, 115, 117, 124, 126, 127, 128, 129, 133, 144.

The final cast list will be posted Friday during school. Once again thank you all for auditioning. There is so much talent at this school. It's going to be hard to cast. We really do love all the willingness and enthusiasm. You are all great!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Movement/Dance Callbacks

Thank you all for auditioning. As you can tell by the numbers we had over 140 kids try out.The following people have been called back for Wednesday after school. For the callback be dressed ready to dance and move; gym shorts, comfortable shoes, sweats, dance clothes, etc.

1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97.

17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 54, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64,  67, 68, 69, 71.

72, 73 75, 98, 99, 100, 101, 104, 109, 110, 112, 113, 114, 115, 117, 119, 122, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 133, 136, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145.

There will be another callback for Thursday check the blog tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Seussical Auditions

This Monday the 15th and Tuesday the 16th we will be holding auditions both days right after school. All students should bring their signed form or else they will not be able to audition. You will meet in the commons and form a line of boys and a line of girls. You will receive an audition number and go in groups of 10 and audition, we will teach you a song there.

A callback list will be posted Tuesday evening here on the blog, for a dance call back on Wednesday. It will also be posted in the office Wednesday morning. There will be a singing callback for Thursday. That list will be posted Wednesday evening here on the blog. The final cast list will be posted Friday after both lunches as well as on the blog at the same time.

Monday, September 8, 2014

FAC Family Theatre

Hi there for all of you who read this in time. The Fine Arts Center will be doing 2 plays this fall The Golden Goose and Charlotte's Web. Auditions will be Tuesday from 6-8 and Thursday from 6-8 with potential callbacks on Saturday.

The Website is FAC Family Theatre.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

ACYI's Spring 2015 Musical

Well I spilled the beans earlier today and so I need to announce the musical for this next year. I spoke with Principal Thompson last May and with Mrs. Crane at the Middle School and Mrs. Day at the High School and we are all excited about this next year.

Drum roll please...

We are doing "SEUSSICAL, the MUSICAL Jr."

This is a super fun show with lots of fun parts. The musical weaves a lot of famous characters from Horton hears a Who, The Cat in the Hat and other Dr. Seuss' books. There are lots of speaking parts and there are two ensembles, the Jungle Animals of Nool and the Whos of Whoville.

This link should take you to a video of a Performing Arts High School's opening number "Oh the thinks you can think!"

Auditions will be the last week of school in December or the first week of school in January. The planned show dates are March 13, 14 & 16.

More information to come.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Theatre Camp at the Fine Arts Center

For those of you with an intrest in bettering your skills on stage there is a theatre camp next week at the Fine Arts Center. I will be teaching audition techniques with Shannon McCullam. All students will prepare an audition piece with us and perform it for a panel of local judges and get feedback. There will also be a presentation at the end for the parents. To sign up contact the Fine Arts Center.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The link is up

 This link has the same information I put on the last post, as well as a printable version of the audition form. Hope to see some of you there.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

King and I Information

This summer the Heritage Theatre will be producing 'The King and I' a Rodgers & Hammerstein classic. I have been asked to direct it and I am very excited. There are parts for teenagers, although none of them are leads. There are two potential featured parts for boys. 

I will also be posting a link the Heritage Theatre website when they get up this information. 

The Auditions will be Tuesday May 20 & Thursday May 22 from 6-8:30, with potential callbacks on Saturday May 24.

It is encouraged for those in this age range to audition on Tuesday, because that is when our choreographer will be there to teach a dance to all boys and girls ages 12-18.

I will not take everyone who tries out. It is nothing personal to each student who participated in Aladdin. There just aren't enough parts for all of the kids from Aladdin, nor is there space on the Heritage stage. 

Those of you coming to auditions should come in clothes that you are able to dance in.

As other information about auditions at other local shows comes in I will post it here on the blog.

Below is a cast list description that should appear on the Heritage Theatre website tonight.

Cast List
Anna Leonowens- 28-45, (Mezzo), New schoolteacher at the King’s palace
King- 35-50, (Baritone), Monarch of the Siamese Empire
Tuptim- 15-24, (Soprano), Servant given to the King
Lun Tha- 17-25, (Tenor), Secret lover of Tuptim
Lady Thiang- 30-45, (Soprano), Head wife of the King
Lous Leonowens- 8-14, (Tenor), Anna’s son
Prince Chulalongkorn- 10-16, (Tenor), The King’s oldest son
The Kralahome- 20-50, (Speaking), Strong minded Advisor to the King
The Interpreter/Phra Alak- (16-30), Speaking, Humble servant
Captain Orton- 35-60, (Speaking), Captain of the ship (May be double casted as Sir Edward Ramsey)
Sir Edward Ramsey- 30-45, (Speaking), British diplomat (May be double casted as Captain Orton)
Royal Children (11)- 4-14, The King’s children
Royal Wives (6)- 30-50, The King’s Wives
Royal Dancers (12)- 11-15, Can be either girl or boy dancers
Royal Singers (6)- 12-18, Girls
Palace Guards/Dock Workers (6)- 12-18, Boys


Everyone should prepare 16 measures of a ballad from a musical. Accompaniment will be provided. Those auditioning for a speaking part should be prepared to have a cold read of the script for their audition. 

All boys and girls 11-15 should audition on Tuesday, because that is when we are doing the dance auditions. 

We will be doing auditions in groups. So families can audition together, as well as groups of friends. If you are auditioning alone we will put you in a small group.

Callbacks will be by invitation for Saturday morning. 

The rehearsal period will last the entire summer. 

We understand that there will be vacations and camps; we will be as understanding as possible. If you will miss several weeks of rehearsal that will play a factor in casting the show, so please, put all known unavailable dates on the audition form.

Rehearsals for the dancers, singers, guards, wives and children will be kept as minimal as possible. We will be rehearsing in blocks. This means the first week of rehearsal we will work the first 3 or 4 scenes. All the music, dance and blocking will be done throughout the week culminating in a run through on Saturday of the week’s work. This may mean that on a certain week many characters have no rehearsal, and on other weeks they may have it Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday.

We ask that August be kept as open as possible. The last 2-3 weeks is when we will be putting the whole show together. 

Typically rehearsals will go 6-9 Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and 9-12 on Saturdays. The last 2 weeks we will be going every day.

The show will run from August 22- Sept 13. There will be performances during the county fair, Labor Day weekend and Peach Days.

Thursday, April 24, 2014


Just a reminder we have a cast party for all the kids who were in the show at Walker Cinemas this Saturday at 9am. We will be watching RIO. See you there!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Cast Party

The show was so good! Thanks to all of you who participated and helped out. It was a fantastic and memorable experience. We are going to celebrate with Cast Party Saturday April 26th at 9am at Walker Cinemas. We will be watching RIO. You don't need to bring money unless you want to buy treats or popcorn. So spread the word and we hope to see you all there.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Closing Night

Sorry I didn't get this up earlier. We have had such a great show and I know tonight will be best one yet. Remember everyone needs to show up at 5:45 to be ready to go by 6.

Tickets will go on sale at 6 and the doors will open at 6:30.

Once again thanks for all your support and work on this show. It has been a blast!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Monday School show

 We had a good show! We did it! It came together and will only get better as we go along.

Just a few notes for Monday:

All Aladdin cast member will be wearing their Aladdin t-shirt on Monday

7th Grade students in the Aladdin cast will go to lunch at 10:29 a.m. as the rest of the 7th grade students.

6th Grade students in the Aladdin cast will go to lunch at 11:00 a.m. this should only be around 40 students. This is earlier than the schedule states for 6th grade. Please excuse them at that time.

ALL Aladdin cast members will be excused to leave their classrooms at 11:25 a.m. to come to the commons area where they will gather and walk to the high school supervised by Ryan 7th grade students will be in class. 6th grade students will still be at lunch.

 Meet in the commons with everything you need for the show. You can leave your backpacks in your lockers.

Mrs. Housley has a list of all the cast members and will enter the school excused absence in the computer.

All students will be back before the end of school. There will be no rehearsal Monday after school.

See you then!

Friday, April 11, 2014


The show is good and only going to get better with an audience. Thank you parents for being understanding and letting your kids stay later then planned. But they needed that extra time to get better. The show came together this week and it truly was a miracle.

Remember that the kids need to show up tomorrow at 12:30, 12:45 at the latest. We will touch-up some things. The doors will open at 1:30 with the show starting at 2. The last a little bit over an hour.

Once again thank you so much for letting your kids have this experience. I hope you enjoy the show.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Final Dress Rehearsal Friday

The show has been coming together, slowly and steadily. It will be great but we need to adjust tomorrow's plan. Students will come to the High School and get straight into costume. We will start at 3:20. We will start at where we left off, end of a Whole New World, and finish the tech until the end. We will then run each musical number and have a break, around 5 for pizza. We will then have a run through starting at 5:45. We will be done around 7 rather than 5:45. There is no other way to get this show done then to stay longer.

We will also be asking that all students show up on Saturday by 12:45, the doors will be unlocked at 12:30 if you want to come early. We will then have the students ready to go by 1 and we will warm-up on the stage. The auditorium doors will open at 1:30 to the public, with the show starting at 2. Please come early and find a parking spot and your seat. Thank you for all that you are willing to do for your kids to have this experience.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Ticket Sales & more!

We have 6 rehearsals left! So it's crunch time! Just a reminder that all Speaking Roles, Storytellers, Dancers, Tumblers, Guards & Princes have rehearsal tomorrow. Everyone else has off. Then for the rest of the week there is no rehearsal due to Spring Break. Please, please, please be safe. Also please don't be sick next week, if you are thinking about getting sick, get sick this week so you don't miss any rehearsals next week, or you could just wait until the show gets over.

During the last full week of rehearsals the tickets will be sold. They will go on sale about 20 minutes prior to the end of rehearsal, so about 4:45ish. Tickets for each day will be sold. Tickets will be $4 each and will be sold by seat, and it is reserved seating. If your 3 year old wants to sit on your lap, that is totally cool with me. We will have you pay by seat not by person. Just a heads up the show last about an hour.

As a totally personal request from the director, when you buy tickets don't buy the best seats in the house twice, if you choose to come both nights. Sit in a different seat and let some one else sit there. I won't come down and be mad at you, just a personal request.

The best seats will go fast there is over 120 kids and so that means a lot of parents and grandparents coming.

The last week (April 7-11) also known as Miracle Week, is a very important week. Just to remind all the kids again here is a more up to date schedule.

Monday 7- Run Through 3:15-5:00

Come to the Drama room and get some snacks, warm-up and talk.
We will start the run through at 3:30, all students will be in the auditorium. There will be no talking.
We will run through the show from beginning to end, stopping to fix things as needed. As explained to the students at the last rehearsal, if they are talking during rehearsal they will be removed from the number. When the students are not on stage they may go out to the foyer or the drama room to practice, do homework or talk. We encourage all students to stay in the auditorium because this is one of the only days you get to see the parts of the show you are not in.

Tuesday 8- Dress Rehearsal 3:15-5:00

We will be doing the same thing as Monday except we will be starting at 3:45, because after the Snack attack all students will need to get in their costumes. Reminder all townspeople need sandals. All girls in group 2 need to also bring a white shirt and black pants and black shoes. This also is the day that those girls in group 2 ,who offered, to bring their stuffed animal. All boys townspeople need to bring a plain white T-shirt. All guards need to bring a plain red T-shirt. Other then those things we think we have all of you costumed.

Wednesday 9- Tech Rehearsal 3:15-5:00

Follow the same routine as the other two days and get ready for rehearsal. This time however all students when not on stage will be in their holding rooms. Which we will explain on Tuesday. This rehearsal and Thursday's rehearsal will be boring. There will be lots of standing around. We need to move lights so we can see all of you and moving the curtain and microphones so we can hear all you. We hopefully will get through the first half of the show, between Friend Like Me and Prince Ali. We are asking that all students stay the entire time because we don't know where we will end up.

Thursday 10- Tech Rehearsal 3:15-5:00

The same thing as Wednesday except for we will start where we ended at on Wednesday and go through the end.

Friday 11- Final Dress/Tech 3:15-5:45

We will start the show at 3:30, all students must be in costume warmed up by 3:30. There will be no snack attack this day because after we finish the run through we will be having a pizza party. After a 20 minute break we will run the show one more time. We will end around 5:45, but by the time everyone gets out of costume and cleaned up it will be closer to 6, but some will be ready to be picked up by 5:45.

Saturday 12- Opening 'Afternoon' call time 1:00, Show time 2:00

Students will show up and get ready and we will warm up and run a few numbers to get ready. Doors will open for seating at 1:30

Monday 14-School Show at 1-ish, released time from school around 11:45ish

We have not yet finalized the bell schedule, thus the reason for the ish. We will have all of ACYI come over to see their peers perform. We will fill the seats all the way to the back. It's the best show to perform for, coming from a former student at ACYI.

Tuesday 15- Closing Night Call time 6:00, Show time 7:00

Just like the other performance we will come early to warm up and have a great show. Doors will open at 6:30.

Wow, I didn't plan on this being a novel but there is a lot of information that I want everyone to get. If you have any questions let me know.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Rehearsals for the last three weeks

So we have gotten to the last 3 weeks.

On the parent permission slip, that you all signed and agreed to, it was stated that the rehearsals for the last 3 weeks would be mandatory for all cast members, now with that said, not all students will be at each rehearsal. Due to region drama competition we will not have rehearsal for anybody on Tuesday the 25th and Thursday the 27th. And due to spring break there will not be rehearsal April 1st-4th. I know that these kids are busy and there are vacations planned, but as was stated in the parent permission slip if a student is unexcused for any of the final rehearsals it may result in being dropped from a song or even the show. Please this show needs to be a priority for each kid. Please read carefully the following calendar to ensure there is no confusion or absence.

Miracle Week (the last week of rehearsals) we will be going until 5pm. The show itself is 1 hour so to get ready and then run it will take additional time. We will provide a snack before the start of each rehearsal that week.

Tickets will go on sale on April 7 30 minutes prior to end of rehearsal and continue through out the week. Tickets will be by seat. All tickets will be $4. There is no age limit for small children. We will sale tickets by seats, so if you have a 2 year old you can have them sit in your lap without paying for an additional seat.

The Speaking Roles, Storytellers, Dancers and Tumblers are to be at each of the remaining rehearsals.

Monday 24- Group 1 3:15-4:30

Tuesday 25- No Rehearsal

Wednesday 26- Group 2 3:15-4:30

Thursday 27- No Rehearsal

Friday 28- Full Cast 3:15-4:30

Monday 31- Speaking Roles, Storytellers, Dancers & Tumblers 3:15-4:30

April 1-4- No Rehearsal Spring Break

Monday 7- Run Through  3:15-5:00 (FULL CAST)

Tuesday 8- Tech Rehearsal 3:15-5:00 (FULL CAST)

Wednesday 9- Tech Rehearsal 3:15-5:00 (FULL CAST)

Thursday 10- Dress Rehearsal 3:15-5:00 (FULL CAST)

Friday 11- Final Dress 3:15-5:45 (FULL CAST) We will feed them dinner.

Show Dates-

Saturday April 12 at 2pm

Monday April 14 at 1pm (School Show)

Tuesday April 15 at 7pm

Friday, March 14, 2014

A Whole lot of New Information

So this is not a big show, it's a HUGE show. There have been so many wonderful people to work with and I really could not do it without all of your help. Everyday I get many emails from you wonderful, wonderful parents, and as much as I would love to get to know each and everyone of you and talk with you. I just don't have the time. Please if you have a question, before emailing me read the parent permission slip and all other blog posts, because nearly every question that I have received can be answered by one of those. But for those questions that have not be answered, that is the reason to why I am blogging.

  1. Costumes-
    • for the townspeople they do not need to make their costumes, unless we are unable to fit them with the costumes we already have. If that is the case we will give you fabric and a pattern.
    • Sandals, every townsperson needs to have sandals, not flip-flops, they are noisy and harder to move in. Any sandal that is brown, grey or black is good.
    • The girls townspeople in group 2 (not the storytellers, dancers and tumblers) need black flats, black pants and a plain white blouse or shirt.
    • Dancers and Tumblers, as it was stated in the beginning you are responsible to make your own costume, we will be giving you fabric and a pattern to make pants, just the pants. There are some wonderful moms who are willing to make a few, because it is a really basic pattern. If you to would be willing that would be much appreciated.
    • Storytellers, those of you who have your fabric if you could bring those to practice on Tuesday that would be great and we should be getting the new fabric this next week to give to you.
    • The deadline for all costumes not otherwise noted will be March 28th.
  2. Rehearsal time extension
    • Due to the enormity of the show and how quickly time passes we ask that it be okay that rehearsal extends to 4:30. This will require some minor adjustments on your part but its for your children. Think of the children.
  3. Parent Help
    • In the coming week those of you who signed up to help with Ticket Sales, Advertisement and Supervising will be getting an email or phone call to coordinate such help.
  4. I currently forgetting the 4th point, but when I remember I will post it.

Thanks so much for all you do! The show could not be done without you. Last week I went to California and to continue research on a musical I am writing (that hopefully will be done for us to do at ACYI next year) and I met with a Professional Children's Theatre and when I mentioned that I cast 129 kids in my show they just looked at me and said I was crazy. And, I am. But it's worth it. So thank you for lending your children to the world of the theatre.

Rehearsal calendar March 17-21 (edited)

There is a lot of information, please read and re-read.

Monday- Prince Ali (Group 1) 3:15-4:30

Tuesday- Dancers & Tumblers 3:20-4:30
                Speaking Characters & Storytellers 3:15-4:30
                (Aladdin, Jasmine, Genie, Abu, Magic Carpet, Sultan, Jafar, Iago, Razoul & Rajah)

(Lindsey Ahlstrom, Abigail Allen, Kimberlyn Archer, Rylee Bess, Rachel Bishop, Chylee Bowen, Amanda Burbank, Naomi Burke. Rachel Butts, Kyra Crocker, Allie Jo Dalebout,  Kylie Daugherty, Esther Dutson, Sage Francis, Molly Glover, & Natashia Gibby) These girls will be trying on cosutmes. Some will be done by 3:30 but all will be done by 4:15. If you have some where you need to be we will let you go first.

Wednesday- One Jump Ahead 3:15-4:30 (Group 1)

(Saige Bischoff, Kaleigh Curtis, Kylie Edgington, Sarah Faerber, Sierra Huff, Braelyn Martinez, Kyra Perkins, Molly Robb, Katie Webster, Sydnie Zundel, & the Tumblers) These girls will be trying on cosutmes. Some will be done by 3:30 but all will be done by 4:15. If you have some where you need to be we will let you go first.

Thursday-  Speaking Characters & Storytellers 3:15-4:30
                (Aladdin, Jasmine, Genie, Abu, Magic Carpet, Sultan, Jafar, Iago, Razoul & Rajah)

(Hallie Hadfield, Kayley Harris, Abby Haws, Megan Haynie, Kitsel Lusted, Jordan Jeppesen, Carley Julander, Kylee Kilpack, Christine Matheson, Madison Merrill, Laynee Millburn, Kayla Mitchell, Anni Molgard, Emma Montgomery, & Stephanie Morley.) These girls will be trying on costumes. Some will be done by 3:30, but all will be done by 4:15. If you have somewhere you need to be, we will let you go first.

Friday- Friend Like Me (Group 2) 3:15-4:30

(Kylie Nelson, Jessica Nelson, Sarah Reeder, Josalynn Robinette, Amalia Sepulveda, Aubree Singleton, Isabelle Soresen, Gracie Sorensen, Kambree Steed, Elizabeth Thompson, Tyeler Totter, Madi Valcarce, Katelyn Vandersteen, Annie Walker & Kennadie Watter.) These girls will be trying on costumes. Some will be done by 3:30, but all will be done by 4:15. If you have somewhere you need to be, we will let you go first.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Rehearsal schedule March 10-14

I forgot to add some characters in the calendar. I hope it's not to late.


A Whole New World (Group 2) 3:15-4:15 Magic Carpet & Abu


Aladdin & Jasmine 3:15-4:15
Dancers 3:20-4:20


One Jump Ahead (Group 1) 3:15-4:15


Jafar & Iago 3:15-4:00
Dancers 3:15-3:45
(Moms or grandmas or whoever will be sewing should come. We have the pattern and the fabric we just want to give it to you and explain what we are expecting. It is a simple pant pattern.)


Friend Like Me (Group 2) 3:15-4:15 Aladdin, Genie, Magic Carpet & Abu

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Rehearsal Calendar March 3-7

Monday March 3-

No School, No Rehearsal

Tuesday March 4-

Aladdin, Jasmine, Dancers & Boys Townspeople

Wednesday March 5-

Finale- FULL CAST (Everyone)

*Cast fee is due today, a check to BEHS for $20. If a parent wants a parent support shirt add an additional $5 for each shirt.

Thursday March 6-

Dancers- until 3:50

Storytellers- until 3:35 (We would like to have a parent meeting until 3:50 to discuss the storytellers costumes, its okay if a parent can't come, but as many as we can have the better it will be for us.)

Genie 3:35-4:15

Friday March 7-

Prince Ali- Group 1

Friday, February 21, 2014

To clear up somethings

I know there some confusion going on, for many of you this is your first show, for me it's my biggest show yet, 129 kids. So there have been many mistakes and bound to be many more mistakes.

Due to the size of the cast we selected cast captains, they are responsible to gather the students and get them to rehearsals and be the examples to others. We selected 4 students who demonstrated leadership and hard-work in last year's show, Schoolhouse Rock!.

The 4 cast captains are Morgan Christensen, Zach Hansen, Madison Merrill & Alisa Smith.

Look for these 4 afterschool in the commons and they will lead you over.

I will post the list of the kids in each group and what songs they are in. For example this next week group 1 has rehearsal on Monday, because they are all in One Jump Ahead.

Group 1 (One Jump Ahead, Prince Ali, Prince Ali (reprise), Finale)


Boys Townspeople

Lindsey Ahlstrom
Abigail Allen
Kimberlyn Archer
Jennifer Baker
Rylee Bess
Rachel Bishop
Chylee Bowen
Amanda Burbank
Naomi Burke
Rachel Butts
Kyra Crocker
Alliejo Dabbout
Natalie Daich
Kylie Daugherty
Esther Dutson
Sage Francis
Anatazia Garcia
Madison Glover
Molly Glover
Natashia Gibby
Hallie Hadfield
Kayley Harris
Abby Haws
Megan Haynie
Kitsel Husted
Jordan Jeppesen
Abby Jones
Carley Julander
Kylee Kilpack
Christine Matheson
Madison Merrill
Laynee Millburn
Kayla Mitchell
Anni Molgard
Emma Montgomery
Stephanie Morley
Kylie Ann Nelson
Jessica Nelson
Sarah Reeder
Josalyn Robinette
Amalia Sepulveda
Aubree Singleton
Isabelle Sorensen
Gracie Sorensen
Kambree Steed
Sydney Smuin
Elizabeth Thompson
Tyeler Totter
Madi Valcarce
Katelyn Vandersteen
Annie Kylie Walker
Kennadie Watters
Group 2 (Arabian Nights, Friend Like Me, A Whole New World, Finale)
Molly Baird
Tylynn Ball
Brooklynn Baton
Bekah Bennett
Saige Bicshoff
Aleda Boyce
Kaleigh Curtis
Kylie Edgington
Sarah Faerber
Oakley Gunderson
Sierra Huff
Braelyn Martinez
Emma Moyle
Joslin Nelson
Kyra Perkins
Molly Robb
Hallie Robinson
Alexa Valberg
Katie Webster
Sydnie Zundel
If there is any confusion please email me and we can clarify, because if one of you have a question, odds are there are others who have the same questions.

Rehearsals 24 February - 28 February

Monday- 3:15-4:15

One Jump Ahead


Aladdin, Jasmine, Jafar, Iago & Razoul  (3:15-4:15)

Dancers & Tumblers (3:20-4:20) [Because the dancers and tumblers have to change clothes to rehearse we are asking if the can stay just 5 more minutes.]

Wednesday- 3:15-4:15

Storytellers, Aladdin, Abu, Genie & Magic Carpet.


Sultan 3:15-3:50

Genie 3:15-4:05

Why Me? (reprise) 3:15-4:15 [Jafar, Iago, Razoul & Guards]


No School, No Rehearsal

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Cast Meeting

We had a lot of people come to the meeting and I will post all the important things, but I did fail to mention that all checks are to be made to BEHS, not ACYI. (Those of you who have already turned checks into me are okay). Since we will be doing all our rehearsals and shows through the High School all our finances are also going through the High School.

Some key notes from today's meeting
  • Citizenship, all students must have an H or S in every class. If a student has an N or U they will be dropped from the show. We will be doing a citizenship check at the end of the tri. We will follow through with this, no matter what your role is!
  • Rehearsals will be at the High School. All the students will meet at the commons steps and walk over as a group. The bathrooms at the High School will be cleaned during rehearsal so you have to go at ACYI before heading over. All of you will walk over as a group on 7th West. Morgan Christensen will be in charge this week of getting everyone gathered up and on over the High School each day this week.
  • We need to be on our best behavior while at the High School, if there is one complaint from the Janitors, administration or teachers about the Aladdin kids the show is over. No exaggeration. We are guests at their school and we need to behave. There is a no cell phone policy while at rehearsal. We, the directorial staff, discussed not casting any kids who pulled out their phone at auditions. When we are at rehearsals, we are at rehearsals. Reminder, all students need to be picked up within 10 minutes of the end of rehearsal. We will always let your kid out at 4:15. You need to always pick them up. Another reminder to inform of us if your child is sick or has a family emergency. As long as we know before rehearsals you should be okay.
  • In each of the envelops there was a list of songs that each student is in. If the song is listed then they are to be at rehearsal that day. This Friday we will be working on Friend Like Me those who are in that will have rehearsal that day, those who have One Jump Ahead will be on Monday.
  • The check mentioned earlier needs to be returned in the envelope with the information on the front. Please check the information, and correct it if there are any mistakes.
  • Parents may also order a cast shirt if they pay an additional $5 to cover the cost of the shirt.
Those seem to be the biggest things from the meeting. For the Story tellers you are also considered Speaking Cast so you need to be at rehearsal tomorrow. If anyone who was not at the meeting needs their envelope they will be in the main office beginning Thursday.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Cast Meeting

Tuesday the 18th there will be cast meeting for all the cast and their parents. It will be at ACYI (in the Commons) and will last about 25 minutes. I am going to post this weeks schedule and explain it at the meeting.

Tuesday- Cast Meeting

Wednesday- Speaking Roles in the High School Drama Room

Thursday- Storytellers in the HS Choir Room
                 Dancers in HS Drama Room

Friday- Friend Like Me in HS Choir Room

Rehearsals will be explained as well as behavior, costumes, citizenship and attendance at the meeting afterschool. Parents are not required to attend but encouraged all the info will be posted on the blog following the meeting.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Cast List Of Aladdin Jr.

We are so excited to announce the cast list. Thanks to everyone who tried out. There will be cast & parent meeting Tuesday afterschool at ACYI (boys in TaVaCi you will be excused first) Where we will go over basic expectations of the show. Parents are invited to attend.

Cast of Aladdin Jr.

Aladdin- Hunter Webre
Jasmine- Olivia Griesbach
Genie- Payton Smoot
Sultan- Carter Ellis
Jafar- Kyle Shaw
Iago- Allie Hollingsworth
Razoul- Lance Smith
Magic Carpet- Dylan Smith
Abu- Kallie Bair
Rajah- Janessa Daines

Story Tellers-
Emma Ashcroft
Morgan Christensen
Savanna Crane
Tori Erickson
Heather Karren
Amelia Naumann
Maezzi Mund
Sarah Peck
Sydnee Peck
Taylor Shinney
Mandy Wilde
Allie White

Blair Bennion
Addison Bingham
Ainslie Bryce
Allison Bullard
Brooke Dewberry
Breanne McClellen
Brynn Meredith
Reagan Richman
Alisa Smith
Abby Wright
Mallorie Young

Sarah Dinsdale
Kailee Kirby
Vanessa Nelson
Caitlin Post
Trinity Stokes
Chloe Wallentine

Cooper Clark
Cameron Friday
Matthew Harames
Travis Law
Porter Pilivi
Tanner Swapp

Boy Townspeople-
Logan Braegger
Tyler Bott
Scott Ellis
Zach Hansen
Liam Hoyle
Spencer Huff
Erik Johnson
Tyson Lemke
Tyler Martin
Cade Palmer
Aaron Rutherford
Brycen Walker

Girl Townspeople-
Lindsey Ahlstrom
Abigail Allen
Kimberlyn Archer
Molly Baird
Jennifer Baker
Tylynn Ball
Brooklyn Baton
Bekah Bennett
Rylee Bess
Saige Bischoff
Rachel Bishop
Chlee Bowen
Aleda Boyce
Amanda Burbank
Naomi Burke
Rachel Butts
Kyra Crocker
Kaleigh Curtis
Alliejo Dabbout
Natalie Daich
Kylie Daugherty
Esther Dutson
Kylie Edgington
Sarah Faerber
Sage Francis
Anatazia Garcia
Madison Glover
Molly Glover
Natashia Gibby
Oakley Gunderson
Hallie Hadfield
Kayley Harris
Abby Haws
Megan Haynie
Sierra Huff
Kitsel Husted
Jordan Jeppesen
Abby Jones
Carley Julander
Kylee Kilpack
Braelyn Martinez
Christine Matheson
Madison Merrill
Laynee Millburn
Kayla Mitchell
Anni Molgard
Emma Montgomery
Stephanie Morley
Emma Moyle
Kylie Ann Nelson
Jessica Nelson
Josline Nelson
Kyra Perkins
Sarah Reeder
Molly Robb
Josalyn Robinette
Hallie Robinson
Amalia Sepulveda
Aubree Singleton
Isabelle Sorensen
Gracie Sorensen
Kambree Steed
Sydney Smuin
Elizabeth Thompson
Tyeler Totter
Alexa Valberg
Madi Valcarce
Katelyn Vandersteen
Annie Kylie Walker
Kennadie Watters
Katie Webster
Sydnie Zundel

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Thursday's Callbacks

Wednesday's callbacks were great! Thursday's Callbacks will be as followed-


16, 23, 35, 52, 91 & 116


7, 8, 23, 28, 43, 44, 47, 53, 64, 68, 69, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84, 85, 86, 88, 92, 97, 106, 110, 118 & 130


11, 12, 14, 15, 20, 32, 112, 113, 114, 115, 133 & 134


25, 29, 65, 70 & 90

4:15- 5:00

4, 5, 23, 24, 40, 41, 44, 45, 47, 49, 50, 52, 59, 60, 61, 64, 69, 71, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 83, 91, 92, 93, 100, 101, 102, 119, 121 & 122

Come to the commons at your time and we will check you in.

The final cast list will be posted Friday before the end of school.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Dance Callbacks

Wow! There are so many talented kids at this school! We are so excited that so many kids want to be apart of this show. For tomorrow's callbacks we will be doing them in 3 groups. For those of you called back you need to wear something that you can move in. It is a dance callback. Wear sweats, gym shorts, etc. Girls pull your hair back. And to everyone, wear comfortable shoes that you can dance in. There will be another call back list posted Wednesday night for Thursday.

Group 1- 3:15-3:45

1, 7, 8, 9, 21, 23, 24, 25, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 52, 53. 54, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70,71, 72, 73, & 75

Group 2- 4:00-4:30

76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 105, 106, 108, 109, 110, 117, 118, 120, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130 & 131

Group 3- 4:45-5:15

11, 14, 15, 19, 20, 32, 33, 114, 115, 116 & 127

Good Luck to everyone and make sure you check the blog Wednesday night for Thursday's callback.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Audition Application

ACYI is proud to announce the show for this spring is Aladdin. Fly to Agrabah on a magic carpet, see the cave of Wonders and get three wishes from a genie. Come and be a part of a Disney classic brought to life on stage. This is sure to be an exciting and unforgettable experience.
PERFORMANCE DATES:  Saturday, April 12 at 2pm, Monday, April 14 at 1pm (for ACYI) and Tuesday, April 15 at 7pm.


Come prepared with a permission slip signed by your parents, and be ready to learn a song

CALLBACKS: if necessary will be held by invitation February 12 & 13.


The weekly schedule will be posted each Sunday on the blog along with pictures and any other important information. The blog is titled


TIMES:February 18th -March 31st 3:15-4:15

             April 7-11 3:15-5:15

LOCATION: Unless specified all rehearsals will be held at BEHS.

Cast members are expected to walk as a group to the High School after school. It is preferred that they walk down 7th West (less traffic) in groups no smaller than 5 cast members.

PICK UP: Parents are expected to pick up their students no later than 10 minutes after the end of rehearsal.  If a student is consistently picked up late, the parents will be contacted.

BEHAVIOR: Students are expected to be on their best behavior at all times and will be removed from the cast if poor behavior interferes with rehearsals.

HAVE FUN: Students are expected to enjoy themselves. This is a fun show and we want everyone to have a memorable experience. We expect everyone to work hard and be happy.


ATTENDANCE: Ensemble members should expect to commit at least to 2 rehearsals each week. Speaking roles should expect more rehearsals a week, varying from 3-5. All rehearsals will be held at Box Elder High School. Attendance at rehearsals is very important, if a student is unexcused for more than 3 rehearsals, they will be dropped from the show. (Unexcused is defined as the directorial staff was uninformed of a students’ absence.) Exceptions will be made for family matters, illness and other needs at the discretion of the directors.  If you know you will miss for vacation or something similar put it out on the back of the audition form.


Spring Break is Wednesday April 2nd through Friday the 4th. No rehearsals will be held those days as well as Tuesday the 1st. We are planning on having rehearsal Monday, March 31st. If you will be gone the 31st please note that on the audition form.


The last several rehearsals (March 24-28, 31 & April 7-11) are MANDATORY for every cast member. If you are unable to attend any of these days, please put it on the audition form before auditions. These are the days where we will be putting the whole show together, costumes, tech, microphones, etc. Students may be dropped from certain numbers or even the show if they have any unexcused absences on these days.



There will be a cast fee of $20, which will cover the cost of the show and give each person a cast T-shirt.

The $20 needs to be paid to BEHS Theatre by February 21st.

(If you are cut or drop out of the play, your money will be refunded until February 28th) If you cannot pay the fee, write it down and we will find a sponsor.

Don't let the cost of the show keep anyone from auditioning.


Each student is responsible for gathering minimal costume items. (For the most part these items can be easily found at your home, ex. Belt, shoes, etc.) If a student’s costume needs to be altered or constructed, patterns and fabric will be provided.


A theatre production is a huge endeavor.   We need help with supervising, advertising, ticket sales, etc.  Please sign up for what area you can help us with.






Grade  6   7    Gender________  Height______________  T-Shirt Size   YS   YM   YL   S   M   L   XL


Previous Experience, Theatre, Dance, Music, Gymnastics, etc.-




Potential Conflicts (i.e. lessons, vacations, etc)-



I understand the rehearsal commitments and will be sure my student is picked up no later than 4:30.   I also will allow any pictures of my student to be posted on the cast blog.­­


Parents’ Signature___________________________________________   Date____________________


Phone _____________________________         email________________________________________


Emergency Contact Information- Name and Phone Number                                         


______________________________       _______________________________      


Parent involvement (please circle one)               Advertising               Supervising           Ticket Sales