Saturday, February 8, 2014

Audition Application

ACYI is proud to announce the show for this spring is Aladdin. Fly to Agrabah on a magic carpet, see the cave of Wonders and get three wishes from a genie. Come and be a part of a Disney classic brought to life on stage. This is sure to be an exciting and unforgettable experience.
PERFORMANCE DATES:  Saturday, April 12 at 2pm, Monday, April 14 at 1pm (for ACYI) and Tuesday, April 15 at 7pm.


Come prepared with a permission slip signed by your parents, and be ready to learn a song

CALLBACKS: if necessary will be held by invitation February 12 & 13.


The weekly schedule will be posted each Sunday on the blog along with pictures and any other important information. The blog is titled


TIMES:February 18th -March 31st 3:15-4:15

             April 7-11 3:15-5:15

LOCATION: Unless specified all rehearsals will be held at BEHS.

Cast members are expected to walk as a group to the High School after school. It is preferred that they walk down 7th West (less traffic) in groups no smaller than 5 cast members.

PICK UP: Parents are expected to pick up their students no later than 10 minutes after the end of rehearsal.  If a student is consistently picked up late, the parents will be contacted.

BEHAVIOR: Students are expected to be on their best behavior at all times and will be removed from the cast if poor behavior interferes with rehearsals.

HAVE FUN: Students are expected to enjoy themselves. This is a fun show and we want everyone to have a memorable experience. We expect everyone to work hard and be happy.


ATTENDANCE: Ensemble members should expect to commit at least to 2 rehearsals each week. Speaking roles should expect more rehearsals a week, varying from 3-5. All rehearsals will be held at Box Elder High School. Attendance at rehearsals is very important, if a student is unexcused for more than 3 rehearsals, they will be dropped from the show. (Unexcused is defined as the directorial staff was uninformed of a students’ absence.) Exceptions will be made for family matters, illness and other needs at the discretion of the directors.  If you know you will miss for vacation or something similar put it out on the back of the audition form.


Spring Break is Wednesday April 2nd through Friday the 4th. No rehearsals will be held those days as well as Tuesday the 1st. We are planning on having rehearsal Monday, March 31st. If you will be gone the 31st please note that on the audition form.


The last several rehearsals (March 24-28, 31 & April 7-11) are MANDATORY for every cast member. If you are unable to attend any of these days, please put it on the audition form before auditions. These are the days where we will be putting the whole show together, costumes, tech, microphones, etc. Students may be dropped from certain numbers or even the show if they have any unexcused absences on these days.



There will be a cast fee of $20, which will cover the cost of the show and give each person a cast T-shirt.

The $20 needs to be paid to BEHS Theatre by February 21st.

(If you are cut or drop out of the play, your money will be refunded until February 28th) If you cannot pay the fee, write it down and we will find a sponsor.

Don't let the cost of the show keep anyone from auditioning.


Each student is responsible for gathering minimal costume items. (For the most part these items can be easily found at your home, ex. Belt, shoes, etc.) If a student’s costume needs to be altered or constructed, patterns and fabric will be provided.


A theatre production is a huge endeavor.   We need help with supervising, advertising, ticket sales, etc.  Please sign up for what area you can help us with.






Grade  6   7    Gender________  Height______________  T-Shirt Size   YS   YM   YL   S   M   L   XL


Previous Experience, Theatre, Dance, Music, Gymnastics, etc.-




Potential Conflicts (i.e. lessons, vacations, etc)-



I understand the rehearsal commitments and will be sure my student is picked up no later than 4:30.   I also will allow any pictures of my student to be posted on the cast blog.­­


Parents’ Signature___________________________________________   Date____________________


Phone _____________________________         email________________________________________


Emergency Contact Information- Name and Phone Number                                         


______________________________       _______________________________      


Parent involvement (please circle one)               Advertising               Supervising           Ticket Sales

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