Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Cast Meeting

We had a lot of people come to the meeting and I will post all the important things, but I did fail to mention that all checks are to be made to BEHS, not ACYI. (Those of you who have already turned checks into me are okay). Since we will be doing all our rehearsals and shows through the High School all our finances are also going through the High School.

Some key notes from today's meeting
  • Citizenship, all students must have an H or S in every class. If a student has an N or U they will be dropped from the show. We will be doing a citizenship check at the end of the tri. We will follow through with this, no matter what your role is!
  • Rehearsals will be at the High School. All the students will meet at the commons steps and walk over as a group. The bathrooms at the High School will be cleaned during rehearsal so you have to go at ACYI before heading over. All of you will walk over as a group on 7th West. Morgan Christensen will be in charge this week of getting everyone gathered up and on over the High School each day this week.
  • We need to be on our best behavior while at the High School, if there is one complaint from the Janitors, administration or teachers about the Aladdin kids the show is over. No exaggeration. We are guests at their school and we need to behave. There is a no cell phone policy while at rehearsal. We, the directorial staff, discussed not casting any kids who pulled out their phone at auditions. When we are at rehearsals, we are at rehearsals. Reminder, all students need to be picked up within 10 minutes of the end of rehearsal. We will always let your kid out at 4:15. You need to always pick them up. Another reminder to inform of us if your child is sick or has a family emergency. As long as we know before rehearsals you should be okay.
  • In each of the envelops there was a list of songs that each student is in. If the song is listed then they are to be at rehearsal that day. This Friday we will be working on Friend Like Me those who are in that will have rehearsal that day, those who have One Jump Ahead will be on Monday.
  • The check mentioned earlier needs to be returned in the envelope with the information on the front. Please check the information, and correct it if there are any mistakes.
  • Parents may also order a cast shirt if they pay an additional $5 to cover the cost of the shirt.
Those seem to be the biggest things from the meeting. For the Story tellers you are also considered Speaking Cast so you need to be at rehearsal tomorrow. If anyone who was not at the meeting needs their envelope they will be in the main office beginning Thursday.

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